Neil’s Minutes 115
Traditions. People want something different, but they want to do what they've always done. Traditions are stronger than our hunger for life. We are hungry, but hungry enough to change?
Traditions. People want something different, but they want to do what they've always done. Traditions are stronger than our hunger for life. We are hungry, but hungry enough to change?
"Whatever it costs I want to know you and I want to do your will satisfying the desire of your heart." I have been praying this heart prayer for 41 years!
Neil's Minutes 12 Neil in India... The horn didn't work. A meeting of chaos. And taken through the wringer! Neil in a broken state of being in the midst of God's amazing grace, hungry for the reality of more of Jesus! All in and "jumping off the cliff" to find it! Neil's [...]
To all; I am looking for 10-20 people who are frustrated, tired of nothing happening, hungry for more of Christ and willing to pay the price to be changed and see change. Dana and i have been a part of several discipleship movements (called house church movements) in India, Indonesia and a couple other places. [...]
I am so hungry for more of God’s presence. I so desire to see the body of Christ walking as the body of Christ as described in the New Testament. I pray constantly for a greater revelation of Christ, Holy Spirit and Father to come to the Church. I cry at times as I see [...]