May 20-22, 2016
3 Springs Training

“The truth that we focus on Jesus rather than The Gifts and HS will use each of us in whatever gift is needed when they are needed. Stop pursuing gifts but pursue God Himself and the gifts will be manifest.”

“If you ever needed to be in His presence to hear His Word, to truly know His love is real for you. Then this place is for you …”

“Rather than seek the individual separate gifts of HS, we need to just seek intimacy with the giver, Jesus Christ and Father. Seek the fullness of Godhead/Trinity and gifts will be present…”

“This meeting opened my eyes to the reality of who HS is and what our relationship with God is about.” 

“God spoke, His people heard”!

“… This training filled in so many gaps in my knowledge of HS and shifted my outlook on God so the truth of His love and care appear in my view of Him”. 



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