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By |2021-07-07T03:20:40-07:00July 7th, 2021|Dana's Downloads|

After decades of teaching the people of God to hear His voice, we are finding that the real truth is that many people want an excuse to not truly hear. They want more of God and all the miracles, but don’t want to give anything up for this relationship change. I often think they [...]

How Do You Define Prayer?

By |2021-05-14T21:08:16-07:00May 14th, 2021|Dana's Downloads|

If you were to close your eyes and visualize a picture of what prayer looks like…what would you visualize?  Most of the people that we have asked over the years generally come up with a picture of a kneeling person with hands folded and eyes closed.  Every emoji, silhouette, Christmas card, car window sticker, [...]

Being Right in God’s Eyes

By |2021-03-02T22:35:48-08:00March 3rd, 2021|Dana's Downloads, Neil's Blog|

I got to thinking about my last post in which I talked about enjoying being right because I seem to be wrong so much of the time, and decided I needed to continue the conversation.  It came to me the other day when I heard someone saying something that I felt was very wrong.  [...]

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